Gencyber Teacher Institute Summer 2023

2023 GenCyber Institute at UNC Charlotte

GenCyber: Teachers Practicing Cybersecurity

This award is funded by the National Security Administration. This is the second award for the Center for STEM Education from the NSA and the current project is available for an additional year of funding. Dr. David Pugalee, Director of CSTEM, is the PI. Dr. Marlon Mejias, Computing and Informatics, and Alisa Wickliff, CSTEM are co-PIs.
The GenCyber Teacher Institute at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte will be a multifaceted educator experience encompassing cybersecurity content, hands-on activities, exploration of careers, programming activities, and opportunities for networking with university and secondary educators, and cybersecurity professionals.
Teacher participants will develop a conceptual understanding of GenCyber Cybersecurity First Principles and Concepts that they will integrate into two culturally responsive lesson plans that are aligned with national, state, and district curriculum standards, promote ethics and foster student interest in the cybersecurity field.
Please complete the application for the GenCyber Institute to be held June 20th – 23rd and one-half day June 27, 2023, at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Note that reigstration must be accompanied by an email from your principal to that approves permission for your time to participate, for incorporating GenCyber lessons during the school year, and for GenCyber administrators to observe your classroom. THE INSTITUTE IS FULL. WE HOPE TO OFFER CYBERSECURITY PROGRAMMING NEXT YEAR. IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN NC DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION WORKSHOPS, CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION.