Helpful Links

Computer Science Curriculum
A collection of resources including lesson plans, slides, activity sheets, homework, and assessments with teacher guides and curriculum map. Sponsored by the Department of Education for the United Kingdom.
Engineering Resources
A collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students’ families.
Data Science Programs
An overview of data science programs of study.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Extended Content Standards for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are posted by content area. Unpacking documents and essential standards are available at the links in the accordion below. Follow the curriculum content area links on the side bar for resources for each content area, available resources span the grade levels.
North Carolina STEM Schools of Distinction
This program provides a standard definition of quality STEM implementation using the STEM School Progress Rubric as the framework and backbone of the application process for implementing the 5 Overarching STEM Principles.
Ratio and Rates
Michelle Stephan, Ed.D.; George McManus; Jennifer Smith; Ashley Dickey (Contributors: This unit could not have been written without the support of our Principal Robin Dehlinger, Assistant Principal Tonya Fennell and the parents and students at Lawton Chiles Middle School).
Science Buddies
High-quality scientist-authored explorations covering all key areas of STEM, from the classics to the cutting edge, in formats tailored for the needs of the audiences having the greatest potential to impact student STEM learning, students themselves, classroom teachers, informal educators, and parents.
Surface Area
Michelle Stephan, Ed.D.
Teach Engineering
TeachEngineering was founded in 2001 and is funded by the National Science Foundation. TeachEngineering continues to expand with published curricula from over 60 different institutions.
Try Engineering
Engineering’s database of lesson plans to teach engineering concepts, ages 4 to 18. Explore areas such as lasers, LED lights, flight, smart buildings, and more. Sponsored by IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Northridge Middle School Computational Thinking Resources
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte, North Carolina