UNC Charlotte NC Science & Engineering Fair Region 6

The International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) is a big deal!
The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is the world’s largest high school science competition with 1,600 finalists from 67 countries, regions and territories. ISEF offers more than ribbons and medals to its winners. The fair opens the doors to $9 million in scholarships and matriculation at some of the country’s most selective schools.
In 2024, for the 30th consecutive year, the Center for STEM Education through the Cato College of Education sponsored ISEF participation for two high school students. This year’s event was held in Los Angeles May 12 -May 17. Angelina Quan and Maya Caver traveled to compete in LA as the top winners at the 2024 UNC Charlotte regional Science and Engineering Fair in February.
Maya Caver, an 11th grade student at JM Robinson High School in Cabarrus County, worked this past summer with Dr. Jordan Poler, Professor of Chemistry at UNC Charlotte. Maya’s research focused upon ways to formulate Zeolite nano resins to treat per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in water. Maya competed in the Chemistry Category.
Angelina Quan, a senior at Charlotte Country Day High School, worked with Dr. Yongge Wang, Professor of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte, toward the development of LUMEN, a novel set of algorithms compiled into efficient and transparent zk-SNARKs to improve cryptocurrency Ethereum’s security and transparency. Angelina was awarded 3rd place in the Math Category and was awarded $1,000.
UNC Charlotte NC Science & Engineering Fair Region 6
February 8 and 10, 2024 UNC Charlotte Region 6 NC Science and Engineering Fair.
Thursday evening, February 8, 2024: Senior competition will be judged virtually from 5 pm to 9 pm.
February 10, 2024: Elementary and Junior competition will be judged virtually 8 am to 1:30 pm.
Registration Deadline is January 19, 2024
There will be a virtual awards ceremony after the competition dates that has yet to be scheduled

UNC Charlotte NC Science and Engineering Fair Region 6
Participating Students.
Register Online and Forms DUE by January 19, 2024
Requirements for the Virtual Fair
A student needs:
- An original, grade appropriate research project (project should not be a validation of research)
- All projects must follow the rules and safety in research requirements linked on the NCSEF student information pages and students must complete required forms for their project. (ISEF Forms Wizard
- A digital project presentation of their research and a corresponding quad chart.
- Download the template and follow the detailed guidelines provided below. Links to templates for required presentation and quad chart can be found at:
- Detailed Instructions for Project Submissions* (Draft, ISEF may make small adjustments)
- Project Presentation Guidelines DRAFT
- Quad Chart Guideline DRAFT
- *Note: Senior division students that receive a grand award and are promoted to the ISEF competition will be required to complete the 2 minute video presentation articulated in this guidance. NC Regional and State Fairs will not accept these 2 minute video presentations.
- Further details on display and safety will be available soon.
- Optional Materials
- Up to 1 minute video to show how your technology or engineering project works
- Research paper (PDF only)
- Up to 4 sample journal pages (PDF only)
Elementary Division Categories (Grades 3-5) – All Elementary projects will be equally eligible for Exemplary and Honorable Mention awards.
- Biological Sciences
- Physics, and Math
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Engineering and Technology
Junior (Grades 6-8) and Senior (Grades 9-12) Division Categories – Junior and Senior projects receive place awards according to category.
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences B
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Engineering
- Physics and Mathematics
- Technology
More details and category descriptions here.
All projects must follow the rules and safety in research requirements linked on the NCSEF student information pages and students must complete required forms for their project. (ISEF Forms Wizard)
Importance of Research Plan
Prior to experimentation all students must submit a Research Plan (a research plan is not a research report/paper) to your teacher/adult supervisor or if you require pre-approval by the ISEF SRC (send to abwickli@uncc.edu) because your project involves human subjects (including the student), vertebrates (including your own pets), potentially hazardous biological agents (NO projects allowed at home any age and NO elementary students may conduct these experiments in NC), or hazardous materials or risky behavior. The Research Plan should include:
A. Question or problem being addressed
B. Hypothesis or Engineering Goals
C. Detailed description of the following:
- Procedures: Detail all procedures and experimental design including methods for data collection. Describe only your project. Do not include work done by mentor or others
- Risk and Safety: Identify any potential risks and safety precautions needed.
- Data Analysis: Describe the procedures you will use to analyze the data/results.
D. Bibliography – minimal 3 for Elementary and 5 for Junior and Senior
Please note that data is not to be included in the Research Plan.
Other Important Information
- The Research Plan is not a form but needs to be included with all paperwork. This is used for the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) to assess if all ISEF rules and regulations are followed.
- No Elementary students can do projects involving culturing micro- organisms (bacteria, mold, fungus, etc.) in any location (school, home, or regulated institution) no exceptions. – Click here for rules.
- No Junior (Middle) or Senior students can do projects involving culturing micro- organisms at home no exceptions. – Click here for rules
You must register online and submit all required forms to be registered for the 2021 UNC Charlotte Region 6 NC Science & Engineering Fair by Deadline January 19, 2024.