STEM Education Leadership Professional Learning Community

STEM Education Leadership PLC
The STEM Education Leadership PLC supports PK-12 education leaders in providing effective STEM teaching and learning. School and district STEM education leaders from the Southwest area in North Carolina are invited to join the PLC. The learning community is facilitated through the Center for STEM Education at UNC Charlotte.
- Six days of STEM Professional Development including the annual UNC Charlotte Regional STEM Education Conference. September 28, 2023 October 19, 2023; November 30, 2023; Jnaury 2, 2024 K-12 STEM Conference, February 15, 2024; March 28, 2024; All session are from 9 am to 1:00 pm.
- STEM PLC participants are invited to attend a Sea Perch workshop held on the campus of UNC Charlotte. Date to be determined
- Keynotes from leaders in STEM Education
- Target Professional Development Sessions covering the latest STEM education research, issues and practices
- A forum for members to share ideas and develop professional networks
- Opportunities to collaborate and build capacity across the region for STEM education professionals
- STEM Problem Based Learning, Phenomena Based Learning, Computational Thinking, STEAM/Arts & STEM, Assessment and Critical Thinking, sessions
- Forums on becoming a NCDPI recognized STEM School of Excellence
- STEM content sessions to support STEM curriculum integration
- STEM education web-based resources
- Certificates for continuing education units (CEUs)
Cost: $525 per person, renewable annually. Register by September 13, 2023 to reserve your place: